
The idea of the I-DARE Portal is to provide one portal for collating information on DARE activities worldwide. The portal aims to stimulate new DARE activities and promote discoverability of, and convergence between, existing DARE activities. In particular, the I-DARE Portal aims to: 

  • give at a glance a global overview of (to be) rescued data, including terrestrial, marine, surface, upper air, sea level, and hydrological data; 
  • enhance visibility of existing DARE activities;
  • stimulate the sharing of relevant information, experience, and software;
  • provide information on, and stimulate the use of, (newly-rescued) climate data;
  • stimulate the start of new DARE activities on identifying, imaging and digitizing historical data and associated metadata;
  • help focus new DARE activities to regions where DARE is most urgently needed to address gaps in the historical record;
  • help to converge the contents of new and existing DARE-related websites;
  • reduce unnecessary duplication of DARE activities;
  • stimulate, and provide a focus for, donations to support DARE;
  • stimulate help by volunteers (‘citizen science’); and
  • facilitate the  filling of gaps, and extension to time-series, of climate variables, especially the GCOS Essential Climate Variables, which are given initial priority in the Portal.


I-DARE contact persons

The members of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have been invited by WMO to nominate a contact person on populating the I-DARE Portal.

For a list of contact persons per 3 March 2019 see here.