DARE Initiatives and Activities

Allan, R., P. Brohan, G.P. Compo, R. Stone, J. Luterbacher, S. Brönnimann, 2011: The International Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth (ACRE) Initiative, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 92, 1421–1425.

Allan, R.J., Compo, G.P.  and  Carton, J.,  2011:  Recovery of global surface weather observations for historical reanalyses and international users.  Eos Trans. AGU, 92(18), doi:10.1029/2011EO180008

Allan, R., G. Endfield, V. Damodaran, G. Adamson, M. Hannaford, F. Carroll, N. Macdonald, N. Groom, J. Jones, F. Williamson, E. Hendy, P. Holper, J. Arroyo-Mora, L. Hughes, R. Bickers, and A. Bliuc, 2016: Toward integrated historical climate research: the example of Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions over the Earth, WIREs Clim Change. doi: 10.1002/wcc.379

Ansell, T.J., Jones, P.D., Allan, R.J., Lister, D.H., Parker, D.E., Brunet, M. and Moberg, A., et al 2006: Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the European - North Atlantic region for the peiod 1850-2003. J. Clim, 19, 2717-2742. 

Ashcroft, L., R. Allan, H. Bridgman, J. Gergis, C. Pudmenzky, and K. Thornton, 2016: Current climate data rescue activities in Australia. Adv. Atmos. Sci., Science Press 33, 12, 1323–1324, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-016-6189-5

Besselaar, E.J.M. van den, A.M.G. Klein Tank, G. van der Schrier en et al., 2015;  International Climate Assessment & Dataset: Climate Services Across Borders, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 96. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00249.1 

Blunden, J., D.S. Arndt, and T.A. Scambos, 2012:  State of the Climate in 2011: Special Supplement to the Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 93, 7, Sidebar 2.1:  Climate Data rescue and Stewardship:  Filling the Gaps in 21st Century Needs – R. Allan, P. Brohan, S. Leduc and K.M. Willett, 12-13 of 264pp.  

Brönnimann, S., and Coauthors, 2018: A roadmap to climate data rescue services. Geosci. Data J., 5, 8–39, https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.56

Brönnimann, S., and Coauthors, 2018: Observations for Reanalyses. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 99, 1851–1866, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0229.1.

Brunet, M. and P. Jones, 2011: Data rescue initiatives: bringing historical climate data into the 21st century. Climate Research, 47, 29-40. 

Chappell, P.R. and A.M. Lorrey, 2014: Identifying New Zealand, Southeast Australia, and Southwest Pacific historical weather data sources using Ian Nicholson's Log of Logs , Geoscience Data J, 1, 49–60. DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.1 

Compo G. P., and Coauthors, 2011: The Twentieth Century Reanalysis project. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 137, 1–28, https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.776

Cram, T. A., and Coauthors, 2015: The International Surface Pressure Databank version 2. Geosci. Data J., 2, 31–46, https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.25

Freeman, E., and Coauthors, 2017: ICOADS Release 3.0: a major update to the historical marine climate record. Int. J. Climatol., 37, 2211–2232, https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.4775/ 

Dupigny-Giroux, L-A, T.F. Ross, J.D. Elms, R. Truesdell, and S.R. Doty, 2007, NOAA-s Climate Database Modernization Program: Rescuing, Archiving, and Digitizing History.  Bull.  Amer.  Meteorol. Soc, 88, 1015-1017.

Kunkel, K.E., K. Andsager, G. Conner, W.L. Decker, H.J. Hillaker Jr., P. Naber Knox, F.V. Nurnberger, J.C. Rogers, K. Scheeringa, W.M. Wendland, J. Zandlo, and J.R. Angel, 1998: An Expanded Digital Daily Database for Climatic Resources Applications in the Midwestern United States. Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 79, 1357–1366.  doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/1520-0477(1998)079<1357:AEDDDF>2.0.CO;2 

Page  C.M., N. Nicholls, N. Plummer, B. Trewin, M. Manton, L. Alexander, L. Chambers, Y. Choi, D. Collins, A. Gosai, P. Della-Marta, M. Haylock, K. Inape, V. Laurent, L. Maitrepierre, E. Makmur, H. Nakamigawa, N. Ouprasitwong, S. McGree, J. Pahalad, M.J. Salinger, L. Tibig, T.D. Tran, K. Vediapan, and P. Zhai, 2004: Data rescue in the Southeast Asia and South Pasific Region, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc, 85, 1484–1489. 

Rennie, J. J., and Coauthors, 2014: The international surface temperature initiative global land surface databank: monthly temperature data release description and methods. Geosci. Data J., 1, 75–102, DOI: 10.1002/gdj3.8.

Skrynyk, Oleg; Jürg Luterbacher, Rob Allan, Dmytro Boichuk, Vladyslav Sidenko, Olesya Skrynyk, Angelika Palarz, Dmytro Oshurok, Elena Xoplaki, Volodymyr Osadchyi, 2020: Ukrainian early (pre-1850) historical weather observations, Geoscience Data Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/gdj3.108

Slivinski, L. C., and Coauthors, 2019: Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements to the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system. Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. (in preparation).

Stuber, D., and co-authors, 2021: EEA Report on data rescue Activities

Thorne, P. W., and Coauthors, 2017: Towards an integrated set of surface meteorological observations for climate science and applications. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 98, 2689–2702, DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0165.1. 

Westcott Nancy E, Jason Cooper, Karen Andsager, Leslie A. Stoecker, and Karsten Sheinc, 2021: Status and Climate Applications of the 19th Century Forts and Volunteer Observer Database, Journal of Applied and Service Climatology. http://doi.org/10.46275/JOASC.2021.09.001

Wilkinson, C., S.D. Woodruff, P. Brohan, S. Claesson, E. Freeman, F. Koek, S.J. Lubker, C. Marzin, and D. Wheeler, 2011: RECovery of Logbooks And International Marine Data: The RECLAIM Project. Int. J. Climatol. (CLIMAR-III Special Issue), 31, 968-979 (doi:10.1002/joc.2102).